Taste Test…

30 03 2009

Why does EVERYTHING go to the mouth when you’re a year old?…


Well…he still has his teeth after trying to eat that rock.


Peace, Love, and Granite,


Growing Up…

29 03 2009

Can’t Wait Until…

The Walk Home

Children can’t wait to grow up. To be as tall as you; to do the things you do; to stay up as late as you do; to have ice cream whenever they want without asking. But most of all to be able to turn and look you right in the eyes and say “I Love You”.

Peace, Love, and More Love,


Llano Eagles Fledged…

26 03 2009

Well, I read an update on the eagles nest out near Llano, Texas and my buddies (eaglets) Orville and Wilbur (now 12 weeks old) have fledged and are rarely at the nest.

Bald Eagle Near Llano, Texas

I read that now they leave before dawn and don’t return until evening.  Also, that the adults come by the nest rarely as well.  I hope they return to nest next winter and that I’ll be able to take more pictures of them.  They are awesome to see in the wild.!

Peace, Love,  and Trees,




20 03 2009

Spring is finally here and if you like warm weather like I do – then you’ll understand the joy I had in taking these photos.

Chase Airborne

Chase Airborne

I always loved playing in the sprinkler.
Getting Wet

Getting Wet

Cooling Off in the Sprinkler

Cooling Off in the Sprinkler

Peace, Love, and Pixels.


13 03 2009

You gotta have them it seems.  I just spent one day putting rotors and shoes on one of the vehicles.  Next thing you know– it’s the fuel pump.   I remember when cars were much easier to fix. 

Drive in the Country

Drive in the Country

When the car breaks it would be nice to just pick it up – throw it in the back and drive off with it.  Actually – it was 42 degrees and raining.  No garage.  I laid down in the wet driveway in the rain and confirmed no noise was coming from the pump and called a tow truck.  :c).   We need the rain- and I could have done the job myself.  I just paid to keep from getting wet and pneumonia.  (My story – sticking to it).

Peace, Love, and Axel Grease,



10 03 2009
Beechcraft B300

Beechcraft B300

 I really love aircraft and pass this one everyday on my way to work and on my way home.  It’s always pointed towards the sunset and I told myself one of these days I’m going to get a nice photograph of that Beechcraft 300 with an awesome sunset going on in front of it.
As it happened today I  noticed the clouds doing that “ray” thing and pulled in to the airport just in time to snap a couple shots of one of my favorite planes patiently waiting its turn to fly. 


Peace, Love, and Pixels,


Through the Eyes of a Friend…

9 03 2009

My Daughter, Kailey

Do you know what the relationship is between your two eyes?    They blink together, they move together, they cry together, They see things together and they sleep together,  BUT THEY NEVER SEE EACH OTHER…sometimes that’s how it is with friends.
Life is lonely without FRIENDS.

A dear friend sent me that and I didn’t want to forget it.  So I ‘blahged’ it.    I think it’s a good point.  I wish I could see more of my friends.  I think I’ll make that happen sometime soon.

Love, Peace and Mac & Cheese,


Hardware Prices

9 03 2009

Well.  When a hard drive dies I can’t think of anything to do with it other than take pictures of it.  Then play with photoshop.  Here are the results of one such hard drive crash.

The Price of Good Hardware

The Price of Good Hardware

One good thing about crashed hard drives is that the magnet inside can hold ALOT of stuff to your refridgerator.  One very powerful magnet.  So at least it wasn’t a total waist.

Peace, Love and Mac & Cheese,

Childhood Memories

8 03 2009
Wheelchair Water Run

Out and About

I was driving down the road and came to a stop light when I found these two crossing the street.  I promptly whipped out my camera and took a quick shot.

It reminded me of what it was like to be a kid and spend time with your dad, or grandfather or other person and do something special (like ride on the back of a wheelchair for instance).  I bet this kid is having the time of his life.

Those were the times that every little thing was burned in to your brain.  The smells in the air. The traffic noise.  The breeze in your face.  The sound of the water running under the bridge.  It was one of those moments in time never to be forgotten.

One day you will be 50 years old with your life in a tizzy and you will smell that smell – or the breeze will hit you just right – or you will hear water running under a bridge.  Suddenly, no matter how busy or confused your life is at that moment, you will stop and remember that day with grandpa on the back of that wheelchair hauling water back home and all will be right with the world again.


Chase on Two Wheels

Chase on Two Wheels

Another memory of mine was the day my world exploded and grew exponentially with the ability to ride a bike with no training wheels.

Oh that was the day.  I remember it well.  The smell in the air – the address:  1527 Tweed St., Colorado Springs, CO (My parents drilled that in to my head because I walked to school from there).  That was the day my dad let go of the back of my bike —  I rolled on down the street — turned around to express my glee and saw my dad way up the street waving at me — and then I promptly wrecked. (in the grass and it didn’t hurt – much…). 

I guess that’s what Grandkids are for.  To take you back. 

Chase suddenly decided he was ready to ride a bike and basically, (with a little help of course),  just DID IT.  — just needs a little practice turning – but he is now officially MOBILE and free to advertise the Texas Longhorns for as far as his little legs will take him.

Well – those were the days.  And today is catching up with me and time to hit the shower and go on to work and remember the days when everything seemed a lot less complicated.

Peace, Love, and Mac and Cheese,
